Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Make Money Online - Email Marketing

A well constructed squeeze page is an important component for an effective email marketing campaign. The squeeze page must convert visiting subscribers to opting in to build the list for email marketing.

The squeeze page should be clean and simple, and the only option presented to the visiting subscribers should be to provide their name and email address on the opt-in form. Graphics should be limited to not only allow the page to load quickly, but also to reduce any distraction of visitor from getting on your list.

Provide incentives that encourage the visitor to subscribe to your list. Benefits should be clear and concise and address "what is in it for them". Good examples of benefits include solving a problem, address a concern, provide a way to save time, and opportunity to make good money. Anything offered for free is attractive but should be targeted to the niche market. Free options include ebooks, reports, video, tutorials, newsletter, and graphic packages.

An important consideration is to ensure the headline, body, opt-in are designed on the page to be "above the fold". All the important parts of the page needs to be present when visitor arrives at your site so that the visitor does not have to scroll down the page, for example, to find the opt-in box. In many cases the amount of time the visitor may visit your site may be limited, so it should contain all the elements of the page for view by the visitor in one step.

Use of video may be a more significant change to consider. Many methods can be employed but focus should remain on obtaining the most effective conversions of visitors to subscribe to the email list.

Consider split testing your squeeze page for ongoing assessment and tracking of improvement in results. This is a good way to analyze various aspects of your squeeze page for effectiveness. Google's website optimizer at "" is a free tool for running split tests of your website.

Areas that can be tested include the headline, use of color, design and location of the opt-in box, bullet points, and textual presentation of the offer.

Spending adequate time and attention to building a squeeze page will provide benefit in building the list of subscribers for your email campaign to make money online.

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