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- Gifting Etiquette in the Workplace by Simon Johnnson
Gift giving is a universal way to show your respect and appreciation for someone's companionship or their contribution to your life. But in the workplace, the etiquette of gifting is somewhat more complicated. You might want to thank your employees or your biggest clients for their performance or patronage, but it can be a challenge to choose something appropriate. On the other hand, you might not know what to give to the boss or coworker who seems to have everything. What are the rules of workplace gifting?
- Morals Verses Ethics in the Work Place by Cheryl Gowin
This article looks at the differences between the codes of ethics presented by three professional counseling organizations; The American Counseling Association, The American Association of Christian Counselors and the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. The article examines the differences in the memberships of the organization, the resulting differences in the organizations' code of ethics and discusses one missing element in each code.
- We All Need A Cheerleader by Joel Nielsen
All of us go through cycles of great success and huge disappointments, that's part of the reason we are on this planet. But it's in those down times that our friends, our TRUE friends pick us up, dust us off, and then assure us that we can do it. It's in those dark times we need a cheerleader. I decided that I needed to be her cheerleader.
- The Ethical Aspects of Business Marketing by Tony Pierre
With so many different businesses and emails coming witnessed by anybody on the internet today, it is not easy to know who to trust or which is a scam. Many people don't follow the important aspect of ethical business online due to the anonymity of the internet and lack of punishment. So as a consumer and a online business marketer it is important to expect fair transactions and render services that are promised to the buyer. Without business ethics being practiced online it makes all potential customers skeptical, with good reason online and thus less likely to trust any online service.
- Cut Water Use in the Office by Robert James Fenn
Many office based businesses are unaware of their water consumption, even when they have a meter installed. With a minimal investment of time and money, Envirowise estimates that adopting a systematic approach to reducing water use could cut usage by up to 30%. Cutting the use of water can also result in significant financial savings. Your waste water disposal costs may end up lower too.
- Why Protect Patient Health Information? by Dr. Maulik Vyas
Computers have penetrated into every possible field including medical science. Nevertheless, while making health care center computerized, one should know about its dos and don'ts. Why protect patient health information is a major concern that should be known. Read on to learn...
- Building Trust and Establishing Online Credibility by Jayden Clark
Unless your potential customer trusts you and believes you they are not likely to purchase your products and services. Find out how to establish trust and credibility using online tools.
- The Top 3 Ways to Deal With Frustration in the Workplace by Darius Maslow
People are not trained to handle frustrations in the workplace. This leads to many problems that can be fixed ahead of time with just a little bit of planning and knowledge. Many studies have been done around this area to help employers and employees get along in the workplace to accomplish their main goal, making the company more profitable.
- Digital Due Diligence by Jim Radogna
Before the internet, when there were only phone pops, we learned valuable lessons on how to handle calls, such as selling the appointment, creating urgency, not giving shopping numbers and keeping information close to the vest until the customer showed up. It was good advice then and it may be good advice now. But keep in mind that many customer inquiries tend to come online rather then by phone. While the ultimate goal remains the same - to get the customer into the dealership - the rules for execution have become trickier because online communication creates a permanent written record of all interactions with customers.
- Ethical at Work - How to Be More Ethical at Work by S. Bibb
More and more organisations are emphasising the importance of being ethical. Increasingly bosses are recognising that customers and employees prefer to do business with, and work for, ethical organisations.
- Are Women in Business More Ethical? by Sally Bibb
This article provides the research evidence that demonstrates that women are more ethical than men. It presents the argument as to why it is important to have both women and men involved in identifying and resolving ethical issues.
- Relationships, Business, and Money by Darius Maslow
Your relationships and business will directly affect your financial well-being. Many people are under the assumption that what they know will give them a job and allow them to make a lot of money. While degrees and certifications can help you do this, it is your relationships with people in your life that allow you to truly prosper.
- Why Everyone You Meet Is Important by Darius Maslow
Do you treat every new person you meet like they are important? When you meet someone new do you judge them based off their first appearance? Do you think if they are not dressed a certain way that you should not take them seriously or think they are important? You should really consider how you treat people when you first meet them and especially what you think of them.
- Six Steps to Being an Ethical Manager by Sally Bibb
Understanding how to be an ethical is essential for all managers today. Protecting their own and their organisations' reputations should be a top priority. This short, practical article looks at the importance of being an ethical manager as well as tips to becoming one.
- Fair Trade Clothes and Products - Why Should You Buy Them? by Thomas Kiernan
t's easy to go about our daily lives without giving much thought to the products we consume and how they are manufactured. It's not uncommon for large corporations to outsource production overseas to countries with lower wages and labor rights, keeping the supplier at the mercy of market demands for an increased return on investment. For the socially conscious consumer, the Fair Trade movement is working to change that.
Corporate Grooming 2 Days Seminar to Upgrade Etiquette, Body Language... gifts @ Rs580 Still gifting cards & bouquets on a occassion? Gift a painting instead Makeovers Mumbai in one week by Cosmetic Dentists of Celebrities. View Smile Gallery - BS 8901 and the New ISO Standard ISO 20121 by Dylan Tanner
The events industry has been making moves to be more environmentally friendly. Despite the economic and social benefits of hosting concerts and conferences, there is often considerable waste and other negative environmental impacts that result.
- Sustainability Gathering Calls For More Clarity on Standards by Dylan Tanner
A key meeting on July 1-2 on sustainability standards highlighted the need for more coordination between the various and often overlapping standards and labels available in the market place. The meeting was organized by FEX Geneva and the International Trade Center and held in the offices of the WMO in Geneva. Another theme voiced by users of standards in emerging markets was the need to consult these users during standards development and make them simpler. Present at the meeting were the heads of some of the world's key sustainability standards such as Fairtrade, Fair Labour Association, UTZ Certified the Marine Stewardship Council and food safety standard the Global Gap.
- Do You Have A Diverse Group Of Employees? by Bill Walsh
Are You Considering Cultural Sensitivity Training For Your Employees? You Can Effectively Improve Employee Performance, Teamwork & Morale With The Help Of Sensitivity Training Programs? There is no doubt about it - cultural sensitivity training is an essential component to running a successful business. Not only is it important for your employees to be sensitive to other cultures (partly due to federal and state regulations regarding diversity in the workplace), but a harmonious group of employees who are sensitive to the needs of others, will also provide your company with a number of benefits.
- Real-Time Ethics In Real Estate Business by Anuj Puri
When every real estate deal is regarded as the first of many to follow, ethical conduct tends to become a natural by-product. An ethical mindset cannot be enforced. It comes as a result of a higher awareness of how business works best in the current times.
- Business Ethics and Customer Service by Samuel Johnstein
With unemployment levels at almost 10% and an economy which is continuing to stagnate, numerous individuals are seeking alternate routes to support themselves and their families. Indeed, small business entrepreneurs are sprouting up at epic proportions. New entrepreneurs must never forget or neglect the most important aspect of customer service: ethics.
- Ban the Bullies Or Creativity Will Suffer by Derek Cheshire
Much has been written about bullying within organisations. Depending on which survey you read, statistics show that anything between 30% and 50% of workers are affected. The large spread may even be indicative of the fact that in some countries and cultures, workplace bullying is under reported. It goes without saying that this topic should be addressed purely from an HR point of view, but what else is it doing to your organisation?
- The Law of Cause and Effect As It Relates to Corporations by David Frood
This article looks at The Natural Law of Cause and Effect and how it can be applied to corporations. Managers, Marketers and HR personnel will gain an understanding of how this Law works and the repercussions of the combination of intent, thought and actions on the "Karma" of the organization.
- Strong Ethics - The Key To Successful Business by Jason Lewiston
If you hope to have a thriving business, following basic standards of ethical behavior is the best way to do it. To be sure, adopting basic business ethics guidelines, and always living up to them, is the best way to attract customers and keep them coming back.
- Gossip, Bullying Have No Place at Work - Diversity Should Be Valued at Work by Susan Klopfer
Sara B., a married, gay woman, turned in her notice to human resources, even though she had not found another job.No one bothered to ask her for an exit interview, even though Sara's predecessor had stayed on the job for less than one year. Does your organization understand the importance of managing and valuing diversity? Sara hopes her next employer will be more understanding and accepting of her sexual orientation.
- Fair Trade - What, Why & Where by Misty Andersen
Discovering how we can take individual steps toward creating a sustainable future for our children by becoming aware of business practices like Fair Trade. Fair Trade is a great practice to get behind for many reasons like providing safe and healthy working environments for the people creating products we consume.
- Business Ethics - An Oximoron? by Mary S Singleton
The issue of business ethics is constantly brought up to the public's eye when a company practices good or bad business ethics, (an example is the latest BP's oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico). Business ethics is the behavior of a company to the rest of the world as a whole, as well as their single interactions per customer.
- Unfair? You Bet It Is by Jim Radogna
"BUYERS ARE LIARS". I don't think I was in the car business one hour before I heard that catchy little phrase. Sure enough, over the course of my retail career, I suspect I was lied to over and over again by the best of them.
- What Does It Mean To Be LEED Certified? by Cleo Gib
With all of the fast changing technology we have been able to build things with in a more efficient environmentally clean fashion. No longer are we forced to use materials and products that can hurt the environment.
- Good and Bad Email Etiquette by Orel Beilinson
When writing an email, you should follow some master rules, and some suggestions. This article gives the 15 most important rules and suggestions that you should follow when using emails.
- Five Steps to a Greener Office by Robert James Fenn
It's fashionable these days for big companies to talk about how "green" they are. Small firms do it less, and indeed are only now waking up to the demand from clients, government and the public. This article shows how to be green at work, without spending a penny.
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