Monday, October 4, 2010

Top Authors in Business:Job-Search-Techniques

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  1. Networking - Your Job Search Secret Weapon by Catherine Lang-Cline

    When it comes to your job search, networking is the fiercest tool in your arsenal. No other technique even comes close. Why?

  2. Do You Dread the Phone Interview Or Networking Call? by Michael R Trust

    Fear not. In a lot of ways, they are actually pretty easy!!

  3. As A Job Seeker, Should I Post My Picture On LinkedIn? by RL Stevens

    Considering posting your photo on LinkedIn? Here's why you should.

  4. Resume Submitted But No Response? by Gregory Ikner

    When we send a resume in response to a job posting our hopes are that it will result in either a phone or face to face interview. With so many qualified candidates in search of employment opportunities companies are looking for ways to review as many resumes as they can.

  5. How to Find the Right Job for You in the UK by Vincent Rogers

    Finding the right job is never the easiest task. However, with the current unemployment levels in the UK, competition levels are higher than ever and ideal jobs may be scarce. Therefore you have to make sure that you are applying in the right places, saying the correct things and getting seen.

  6. Four Tips to Help Recent Grads Make Their Dream Jobs a Reality by Steve Cambridge

    In 2008, Doug Moon graduated from Purdue University with a major in business administration and accounting. Moon and his peers entered the toughest labor market in 25 years. Not only did Moon find himself in a challenging job market, he chose to pursue a career in hospital sales, one of the most competitive fields to enter directly from college.

  7. Writing a Cold Call Cover Letter by Kim Grant

    As many as three jobs in four are never advertised. Tapping into the "unadvertised" job market is necessary to increase your chances of getting a great job. But just how do you get a job that you don't know exists? The answer is by contacting the prospective employer and letting them know that they are missing a great opportunity by not putting you on their staff. How do you do that? With a cold call letter.

  8. Storytelling and the Job Search by Catharine Craig

    I'm not sure what my students tell their parents about some of the ways they spend their time, but I know that most of them get very good at storytelling as a survival tool. Why is it then that it can be so difficult for some students to do an interview? In my opinion, interviewing well goes hand in hand with the ability to tell a good story.

  9. Fresh Graduates and the 2010 Job Market in India by Siddharth Misra

    The year 2010 started on a strong positive note, indicating fresh investments, more growth and accelerated recruitment process among Indian companies. Indian job market showed strong signals of recovery, especially after the government announced the stimulus grant to industries in India. Following the government's stimulus measures,as many as 500,000 jobs were generated in India in the beginning of the year, finds International Labor Organization (ILO).

  10. Tips for Avoiding Recruiters' Blacklists by Matthew Warzel

    There are reasons why recruiters or hiring managers do not call back some job seekers: blacklists! In today's tough job market, desperate job seekers are pursuing what little jobs are available. Hiring managers have plenty of applicants to choose from, so they are justifiably selective and quick to record any negatives they discover.

  11. Using LinkedIn to Find a Job and Network in Your Industry by Erin Kennedy

    If you've never heard of LinkedIn, you're already behind. According to their homepage, over fifty-five million professionals belong to the networking site, including every chief executive of a Fortune 500 company! Right now, every second, LinkedIn gets a new member.

  12. How to Get a Job in Banking by Erich Lagasse

    Professionals who succeed in the banking industry have their priorities straight. Put simply, they enjoy working with people and making money. However, it takes hard work to earn a six digit salary, as banks want to make sure that the right people are working for them. If you are responsible, willing to work long hours and good with numbers, keep on reading and learn how to get a bank job.

  13. Things to Know About Finding Graphic Art Jobs by Lynn K. Adams

    Because freelancing is so rewarding and satisfying, more and more graphic artists are turning to it, which is why you have to know how to find the jobs out there and then get them. Here are 5 tips on finding freelance graphic art jobs.

  14. Looking For Work? Your Job Search Is Your Job! by Cathy Eng

    For professionals who are out of work and looking for a job, the search becomes a job in and of itself. That is why it is so important to take it just a seriously as if you have a full-time job! When there is a substantial gap between jobs, it is easy to get discouraged and lose motivation, but there are some reliable ways to stay focused in the career game while you are out there searching.

  15. Characteristics of a Good Employee by N. Vijayarani

    Ethics is very important in terms of an employee. They must be hard working and that is what any employee will look forward to. The employee must finish his job and then move to the other one rather than being just enthusiastic and keep jumping from one work to the other without completing any of them.

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  16. 3 Ways To Handle Illegal Interview Questions by S McIntyre

    Tough interview questions are hard enough and if you add illegal interview questions to the mix it can make matters more difficult. Most Human Resources who do the hiring should know better and avoid asking illegal interview questions, but they are ways in which these questions can slip by. You have a choice to answer them if you wish or refuse, but also keep in mind if you do answer it could be used against you.

  17. 5 Ways For Staying Positive During a Job Search by S McIntyre

    Staying positive during a job search isn't an easy task, but it's critical for your well-being. One rejection after another can dampen anyone's spirits in a heartbeat especially when you're searching for a work at home job. There are five ways to remain positive during these difficult times.

  18. Tips for Finding a New Job While You Are Currently Employed by Anna Mathieu

    The current job market is not ideal and there is uncertainty; that said there are great career opportunities out there. If you are currently employed it is more difficult to conduct a job search, but it can be done smartly and respectfully. Here are some tips for a productive job search while currently employed, and moving on with grace.

  19. 8 Wrong Ways to Go About Job Searching by S McIntyre

    If you have been looking for a work at home job and not getting a lot of results, you may be going about your job searching in the wrong way. Even with a perfect resume and a lot of experience that in itself isn't enough to land you a job if what you're doing during your job search isn't right.

  20. Retail Job Search - 5 Tips to Get Hired Fast by Justin Milano

    The best way to approach a retail job search is to assess where you are in life and what your goals are. Once you have made a commitment to finding a job in the retail business, here are 5 steps you can follow to help you land a job rather quickly.

  21. Tips On How To Get A Job by Naomi West

    It is important to have a job so that we can pay bills and be able to eat. Learn some tips on how to secure your next job.

  22. What Are The Best Resources For Finding a Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Job? by Nezrul Hisyam Abdul Ghani

    It is perhaps not too easy for people outside the industry to settle for the absolute best resources when looking for a pharmaceutical sales rep job. Even an industry veteran is finding it hard nowadays simply because things are changing so fast and it is hard to keep up.

  23. Finding Jobs At Home by Steven Metcalfe

    There is plenty of work available in the market these days. Finding a job is not so much the problem as finding the right job. Besides choosing from traditional jobs, today we have the option of jobs at home. You can choose to make a career from the safety of your office in your home. There are a millions jobs available online that allow you to work from home. These jobs are both interesting and well paying. They allow you to explore a different side of work that you probably had never considered before.

  24. Job Searching Avenues by Anna Mathieu

    There are many ways to job search, and certainly the more avenues that are explored and doors knocked on, the greater number of opportunities you will find. Obviously you need your resume polished and ready. Next, develop a list of the companies you'd like to work for. Now get in touch!

  25. Don't Sweat It - How To Keep Your Cool In a Job Interview by Jack W Lambert

    So you're looking for a job - along with what must seem like the rest of the world. You may have been searching for some time with no success. With the limited job market and high unemployment figures, you may feel as if you will never land that job you want - and need. While one article like this cannot possibly provide all the answers, I do have some tips for making the most of the job interviews you do get.

  26. 6 Tips for Making the Most of Your Job Interview by Lynn Anderson

    This article provides six tips for getting the most out of a job interview. The information will help you realize how to align your strengths and values to the needs of the company you are interviewing with.

  27. Should You Be Worried About Age Discrimination? by Jessica M Holbrook

    Almost every client I work with who's above the age of 40 asks the same question at some point: Do I need to make myself look younger on my resume? The fear that they are being skipped over for younger candidates is clearly a widespread concern among today's job seekers. While I certainly encourage those with 30 or more years of work experience to only include what's most relevant on their resumes, this article in the Wall Street Journal last week caused me to wonder whether age discrimination is really as rampant as people fear.

  28. Cover Letters for First-Time Job Seekers by Kim Grant

    First-time or entry level job seekers can't rely on their experience as the basis for the resume cover letter. Nevertheless, there are certain things that they can include in their cover letter that will help set their letter apart from the pack. If you are interested in learning just how to create an effective cover letter for an entry level job, read on.

  29. Guerilla Marketing for Job Hunters by Matthew Warzel

    As competition grows in this ailing economy, guerilla marketing is a new alternative. Just make sure the company culture accepts your methods, so they think you are clever and not crazy! Think of original ways to market yourself in a creative manner. You can get the job you want by not doing what everyone else is doing! Stand out!

  30. How to Write a Follow-Up Cover Letter by Kim Grant

    Every resume needs a cover letter. Every cover letter needs a follow-up. If you are wondering just how to write a follow-up letter and what goes in it, read this article.

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